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YO! China

NS Ventures provide various services to YO! China, a popular Chinese cuisine restaurant chain. These services may include Mobile applications for Android, IOS, and Promotional Videos for social media platforms. This amazing app provides seamless services to those who love Chinese cuisine or simply enjoy ordering in. YO! China on the app you can explore an extensive menu that offers a variety of authentic dishes. Additionally, the app allows users to customize their orders according to personal preferences or dietary restrictions. 

Mobile Application

The Yo China mobile app offers a user-friendly interface with a range of features designed to make dining at the restaurant more convenient. Customers can easily browse the menu, place orders, and customize their preferences directly from their smartphones. The app also allows users to make reservations, ensuring a hassle-free dining experience.

Mobile APP for Android

YO China_android App

Mobile APP for IOS

YO China IOS

Promotional Videos

NS Ventures is known for offering end to end service and acting as a one-stop shop for all of its clients. We did a fantastic job in the promotional video of YO! China. 

YO China Restaurant Promotional Videos
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Food Restaurant Videos
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